News & newspapers

The Lib4RI offers a wide range of news and newspapers. A small selection of Swiss and international newspapers is available in print at most Lib4RI sites. Print copies are usually not kept for more than a few weeks. They are all listed in our swisscovery catalogue, including a login where required. 

Access to most newspapers in our portfolio is provided via the following aggregators and archives:
  • PressReader provides access to more than 7,000 of the world’s top newspapers and magazines from 120 countries in 60 languages as soon as they are available on shelves. Back issues are typically available for a couple of months. All PressReader content is available at or in the PressReader app for Android or Apple devices. To access PressReader on-site, go to or browse the publications in the catalogue. To access PressReader from home, register using your email with [at], [at], [at] or [at] Once logged in, you can personalise your account by setting your favourite publications and topics to create a personalised news feed as well as save and share articles. Before registering, please consult PressReader's Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Note: In some cases, you may have to link your account to the library after registering in order to get full access. In these cases, please link your account to Lib4RI.
  • Neue Zürcher Zeitung Archive (via swisscovery)
    Includes articles published in the print editions of the NZZ (since Jan 1993), the NZZ-Folio (since April 1994), and the NZZ am Sonntag (since March 2002). Updated daily.
  • Tages-Anzeiger Archive (via swisscovery)
    Includes all articles of the print editions of the Tages-Anzeiger, the Züritipp and the Magazin since 1997 (text only).
  • Swissdox Essentials includes approximately 290 sources with articles from 1911 onwards.
  • is the successor to «Swiss Press Online», which was created in 2011 by the Swiss National Library (NL) and the Valais Médiathèque, on the occasion of the launch of the digitized version of the Confedédéré. 
  • Nexis Uni provides access to more than 15,000 journals, television and radio broadcasts, newswires and blogs, as well as local, regional, national and international newspapers, legal sources for federal and state cases and statutes, business information on international companies and executives. The full texts provided do not include images and graphs; the database is intended for text analysis.
  • The European Library's Historic Newspaper Collection
    As part of the Europeana Newspapers project, The European Library developed a historic newspapers browser that enables users to perform full-text searches in millions of historic newspaper pages from more than 20 European countries.