
A standard is defined as a «document established by consensus and approved by a recognized body that provides for common and repeated use, rules, guidelines or characteristics for activities or their results, aimed at the achievement of the optimum degree of order in a given context» (ISO/IEC Guide 2:1992).

Nautos is the central starting point for searching, finding and ordering standards at Eawag, Empa, PSI, and WSL

The portal allows searching for bibliographic information of more than 1.5 million standards and technical guidelines. The content of Nautos is updated monthly. Through Nautos, Lib4RI provides online access to the full texts of a growing number of standards, currently including more than 3'000 SN and DIN. Other full texts can be requested via the Nautos shopping cart. Please note that a user account is required for this. Some standards, rules and guidelines cannot be found using Nautos, but Lib4RI has fulltext subscriptions nonetheless. This includes standards from ASTM and IEEE as well as SVGW Guidelines.

Search in Nautos 

A quick guide is available for download in English and German (only accessible within the network of Eawag, Empa, PSI and WSL).

How do I get the full text via Nautos and Lib4RI?

In addition to the bibliographic data, some standards are directly available in full text to all Lib4RI users.

  • Standards with attached full texts are marked with a document icon. If several languages are available, they are distinguished by DE (German), EN (English) and FR (French). If nothing is given, the original language of the standard applies.
  • If the full text of a required standard is not available, the library can acquire it on your behalf. A user account is required to order a standard. Please email @email to register. Once logged in, you can add the specific standard to your shopping cart and request the document.
  • Standards that can not be found via Nautos can be ordered via our Document Delivery Form.

Please note that for some standards, license agreements do not permit us to send electronic copies. In these cases you will receive a paper copy.


    • ASTM Standards
      The «American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)» is a standards organisation that develops and publishes technical standards for a wide range of materials, products, systems, and services. ASTM standards are searchable and accessible via within the network of Eawag, Empa, PSI & WSL. Please note: Avoid using other links, including ASTM Home and links from the ASTM home page. These will land the user on «for purchase» search results.
    • AWWA Standards (American Water Works Association)
      The «American Water Works Association (AWWA)» publishes standards for equipment and materials used in the treatment and distribution of drinking water. Bibliographic information can be found on the AWWA website. Full texts can be ordered via our «Document Delivery Service».
    • DIN Standards
      The «Deutsche Institut für Normung e.V. (DIN)» is the national standardization agency of Germany. Bibliographic references to all German standards (DIN) are included in Nautos. Full texts for DIN standards are bought on demand and, if possible, deposited in Nautos for all members of Eawag, Empa, PSI, and WSL. Missing full texts can be ordered via shopping cart. Please note that a user account is required for this.
    • DVGW Guidelines
      Guidelines of the «Deutscher Verein des Gas- und Wasserfaches e.V.» are the basis of technical and scientific activities in the gas and water industry. Bibliographic information is included in Nautos. Full texts can be ordered via shopping cart. Please note that a user account is required for this.
    • DWA Rules and Standards
      The «Deutsche Vereinigung für Wasserwirtschaft, Abwasser und Abfall e. V. (DWA)» publishes technical rules for planning, construction and operation of plants in water management, wastewater management and waste management, as well as in soil conservation. Bibliographic information on DWA rules are available via Nautos. Full texts can be ordered via shopping cart. Please note that a user account is required for this.
    • IEEE Standards
      IEEE is the leading developer of global standards in a broad range of industries including biomedical and healthcare, information assurance, information technology, nanotechnology, power and energy, telecommunications, and transportation. All IEEE standards are available in full text via IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
    • SIA Standards
      The «Schweizerischer Ingenieur- und Architektenverein (SIA)» publishes standards for planning and construction in Switzerland. Nautos includes bibliographic information on SIA standards that have an SN code assigned. We hold a fulltext subscription to all SIA standards. However, due to very restrictive terms of use we are not allowed to include full texts in «Lib4RI's Standards Portal» or distribute them by other electronic means to members of Eawag, Empa, PSI and WSL. We will provide you with a paper copy of SIA standards on request. Full texts can be ordered within «Nautos» via shopping cart. Please note that a user account is required for this..
    • SN Standards
      The «Schweizerische Normen-Vereinigung (SNV)» is the national standardisation agency of Switzerland. Bibliographic references to all Swiss standards (SN) are included in Nautos. The full text of several SN standards is also available. SN standards are bought on request for members of Eawag, Empa, PSI, and WSL. Missing full texts can be ordered via shopping cart. Please note that a user account is required for this.
    • SVGW Guidelines
      Guidelines of the Schweizerischer Verein des Gas- und Wasserfaches (SVGW) are the basis of technical and scientific activities in the Swiss gas and water industry. These guidelines are not included in «Lib4RI's Standards Portal». We do, however, have a full text subscription to all guidelines.
    • VSS Standards
      The «Schweizerische Verband der Strassen- und Verkehrsfachleute (VSS)» produces standards in the field of road and transportation in Switzerland. Unfortunately, due to the very restrictive terms and conditions of use, we are not able to purchase these standards for our users.

Dou you have any questions about standards?

Do not hesitate to contact our Document Delivery team!

Further resources