Want to share your screen? See the person you're talking to? Contact us via digital library desk! We will be with you shortly.

Want to share your screen? See the person you're talking to? Contact us via digital library desk! We will be with you shortly.
If the required material is not available in our online or print collection, we are happy to get it for you. We will search for the documents in other Swiss and foreign libraries and order them for you.
Document delivery
Prior to your submission, please try to obtain the document from our media collection (online or print, incl. swisscovery). The search query can be done most conveniently by using Lib4RI’s search box. Should you be unsuccessful in getting a hold of the desired document, the following options to contact our document delivery unit (DocDel) are at your disposal:
Form of delivery (print or electronic), loan period and conditions for the use of the material are up to the lending library. Copyright regulations of the lending library apply.
Usually, we try to send articles, book chapters, standards and patents as PDFs to your institutional e-mail address. However, some material may be restricted to print only. In order to keep fast turnaround times, we order print documents via fax. As this might affect the quality of the copy, please specifically ask for a high quality print if needed. Please note that we can’t guarantee a PDF delivery.
Documents supplied are only intended for personal use and must not be used commercially.
Generally, interlibrary loan periods are at least three weeks. We send the book directly to your institutional address. The due date is given on your receipt but can also be double-checked in your swisscovery user account. Renewals can be requested via e-mail prior to the due date. Please note that automatic renewals as well as renewals via swisscovery are not supported.
Interlibrary loans need to be returned either at your institute’s library or via regular mail to Lib4RI: WSL.