Climate data

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Precipitation data

The library has a subscription to data on precipitation, evapotranspiration, and water balance provided by MeteoSwiss as monthly and annual bulletins (data format: Excel-files, 2011-2019 also PDF).

Short data description

  • Precipitation: daily totals; monthly totals and their deviation from the norm; maximum daily total; date of maximum daily total (> 400 stations)
  • Evapotranspiration: daily and monthly totals of evapotranspiration as per Primault (around 50 stations)
  • Water balance: daily and monthly totals (around 50 stations)
  • The monthly precipitation bulletin is available by the end of the subsequent month.

Radiation data

Until 2020, the library subscribed to effective radiation data ESTRADA (Effektive Strahlungs-Daten) for the location St. Gallen provided by the energiebüro ag (data format: PDF). As of 2021, their service was discontinued and new data are no longer available.

Short data description

STRADA provides radiation data processed and displayed in several ways, such as radiation for every month compared to previous years or to the MeteoNorm95 simulation software as well as the accumulated radiation for the current year.