DOI issuing

Documents published by the four research institutes can receive a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) by Lib4RI. A DOI is an internationally recognized identifier for online research objects. It is a unique and permanent online link, thus making it easier to find and attribute research output long-term. This service is free of charge for any researcher or technical staff member of the four research institutes within the ETH domain.


Do you want to receive a DOI for a document that you have published? There are a few conditions that must apply to have one issued on your behalf by Lib4RI. Check them out below.

  • The publisher of your publication is Eawag, Empa, WSL or PSI.
  • Your publication will be published in DORA under a CC license. CC BY is strongly recommended.
  • The person asking for a DOI registration has the copyright of this publication.
  • The title page of your publication contains this information:
    • Publication Title and Year
    • Authors or Editors
    • Publisher
    • CC license (e.g. “This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License”, see for more tips here). If your work incorporates third party content, you should obtain permission to use it in your work and identify this content. Incorporated third party content could be offered under a different license; see here.

    • DOI, which you add after you have received from us
  • Your publication fulfils the DORA Content Policy.
  • The document has not yet been issued a DOI by another publisher.

Please note that publications receiving a DOI in DORA cannot be retracted. Furthermore, we strongly recommend that you add DOI links to the citations of your references. See here for reference linking best practices.

Guidelines not met?

  • In case we cannot issue a DOI for you, there are other services that might be of interest to you.

    • For publications that do not fulfil our conditions, you can apply for a DOI in Zenodo. It is free to use and you can login with GitHub, ORCID or create a Zenodo account to enter your metadata and receive a DOI.
    • For your research data you can issue a DOI through the data institutional repositories: ERIKOpen, Envidat

Any questions?

Please do not hesitate to get in touch!