
The reference management software EndNote is designed specifically for researchers and academics to streamline the process of collecting, organizing, and citing sources. Endnote is part of Clarivate Analytics' portfolio, the same company that is also behind the Web of Science. So, it is not surprising that this database is intimately linked to Endnote. While not overly complex, EndNote has a user interface that may require some initial learning compared to simpler (free) options.

What you can do

  • Build a central library of your literature, from journal articles to books and websites
  • Insert citations and bibliographies directly into your writing with a few clicks, ensuring consistent formatting in numerous output styles

  • Avoid tedious manual work by automatically generating reference lists
  • Organize your references with tags and keywords, making it easier to find what you need


  • Software & license available via software distribution systems of the 4RIs
  • Desktop clients (Windows, MacOS), iOS, web client
  • Cross-platform compatible library, optionally synchronised between devices (via web client and EndNote Cloud)

  • Works with MS Word (very good plugin), OpenOffice, Google Docs and Apple Pages; can generate BibTeX files for LaTeX

Any questions or need help with Endnote?

Do you have specific problems or individual questions? Do you need help with Endnote? Do not hesitate to contact us or book a librarian to assist you with your specific questions.