Sampoorna Rappaz' talk on AI in academic writing: slides & video available


In the second part of Lib4RI's lecture series "AI tools & LLMs", Sampoorna Rappaz, Scientific Editor & Lecturer Academic Writing at the Research Support Services of University Library Bern Medical Library, discussed the use of AI tools in academic writing. The talk was met with wide interest and sparked vivid discussions among the almost 60 people on-site and 150 people online.

Slides Sampoorna Rappaz

In her presentation, Dr. Sampoorna Rappaz discussed the impact of LLMs on academic writing, the ethical and practical considerations when integrating AI tools into academic work and the opportunities and challenges presented by this transformative technology. She gave practical tips where LLMs can be useful, where the human element is needed and what needs to be considered when engineering prompts. 

We are still working on organising the next part of this lecture series. It will be communicated on our website and via email. If you have any questions, comments or input, please contact us via email.

Slides and video

The slides and video of Sampoorna Rappaz' talk "What you need to know when using AI for academic writing" are only available within the four Research Institutes! Please connect to the server via cable or VPN.