Lib4RI-Update #29: Open Access – A Look Back at 2022

Screenshot: Lib4RI-Update 29

Publishing Open Access (OA) has become the new normal in scientific publishing. Research funders and institutions support OA to make research available to the broader public, thereby allowing for better visibility, higher chances of usage, and increased impact of outputs.

The library fully supports publishing OA by assisting the affiliates of the four research institutes (Eawag, Empa, PSI, and WSL). We are happy and proud that this increased the rate of journal articles that were published OA in 2022 up to 86.7%.

Lib4RI took several actions to increase OA:

  • With its new Search Tool, Lib4RI makes it a lot easier to find the relevant information for publishing OA in each journal by highlighting all possible options and Lib4RI services.
  • Covering the costs of gold OA publications with our Lib4RI OA fund.
  • Negotiating Read & Publish agreements with publishers that entitle researchers to publish OA without additional fees.
  • Providing our institutional repository DORA as a service (not only an IT-system) to make it as easy as possible for the researchers to publish their accepted versions (green OA).
  • Reminding researchers of the green route to OA for articles that are not yet OA. We ask researchers for accepted versions of journal articles and publish them OA in DORA.
  • Increasing our OA marketing to inform researchers about the importance of OA and the available options to publish OA (e.g. pop-up libraries, OA leaflet [PDF]).
  • Supporting the infrastructures of Open Science.

Are you interested in more OA facts and numbers? Visit the Swiss OA Monitor page and have a look at the four research institutes. They are among the institutions with the highest share of OA in this national monitor(online since September)!

The topic of OA publishing has certainly become more and more complicated in recent years. We are happy to help you with any questions you have individually, or visit your research unit to give you and your team an overview and help with any issues. Do not hesitate to contact us at @email!

Read the entire Lib4RI Update #29.

See also: Lib4RI-Update archive