Open Access fund

Lib4RI supports researchers at Eawag, Empa, PSI and WSL who are willing to publish articles in pure Open Access journals with a publishing fund to cover reasonable article processing charges (APCs). The fund is intended as a last resort for articles accepted for publication in eligible Open Access, peer-reviewed journals to cover fees when funds from any other source are unavailable.

APCs for publications in pure OA journals of Wiley will not be covered by the Open Access fund until further notice. This is in support of the ongoing negotiations with Wiley (more information) and follows the recommendations of swissuniversities.


Funding conditions and application process

  • The complete article processing charges are paid from the Open Access Fund if the following funding conditions are met:

    • The submitting/corresponding author must have a demonstrable relationship with Eawag, Empa, PSI or WSL and the (co-)affiliation with at least one of these institutions must be stated in the article.
    • The article must have been accepted for publication in a journal whose entire content is accessible free of charge via the internet immediately after publication (“pure Open Access journal”). The journal applies quality assurance methods (peer review) acknowledged in the specific subject area. Journals should be listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).
    • The article is published under a Creative Commons licence (preferably CC-BY).
    • Articles will be considered only if there is no other source of funding available. We expect researchers to request funding for Open Access publications from their funding agency if they can do so. For articles resulting from SNSF-funded research, see SNSF: Covering the costs of scientific open access publications .
    • The article processing charges for publications may not exceed CHF 2,500 per article (excl. VAT). Partial reimbursement is not possible. This includes models where the APC for an article is split into several payments by the publisher (e.g. Guided Open Access).
    • Financing your publication is only possible if the invoice still has to be paid, there will be no retrospective payments or reimbursements.

    The funding conditions have been established in consultation with the research institutions.

    See also the FAQ.

    • Articles made freely accessible for an extra author charge parallel to being published in a subscription-based journal (so called “hybrid journals”). If a journal offers to publish your article Open Access and the journal is not listed in the DOAJ , it is most likely a “hybrid journal”.
    • Additional costs for rapid peer review, illustration and colour fees, editorial assessment charges, overlength or the like will not be accepted.
  • Please follow the process outlined below to keep the administrative effort for you and us as low as possible:

    • Please first refer to the funding conditions to check whether your publication is eligible for funding from the Open Access Fund. Do not hesitate to contact the Lib4RI Publication Services team (@email) should you have any further questions.
    • Ask the publisher to issue the invoice for your article processing charges to the following invoice recipient:

      Zentraler Rechnungseingang
      Überlandstrasse 133
      8600 Dübendorf


      VAT ID (Eawag): CHE-116.133.529
    • Apply for funding by sending us (@email):
      1) the invoice or the e-mail with the link to the invoice
      2) a PDF of the final accepted article (this allows us to collect the bibliographic metadata for our internal documentation)
      3) include the title of the journal, the publisher and the DOI (if available)
    • We will get back to you as soon as possible regarding the formal eligibility of your application. We will settle your invoice with the publishing company. Do not pay the invoice.

Further resources