Lib4RI autumn training 2025: Searching & Managing Scientific Information

Flyer Lib4RI Trainings Spring 2025

Spring is at our doorsteps and so is our biannual training series «Searching & Managing Scientific Information». All modules can be booked individually and are open to all members of the four research institutes. Make sure to have a look at the new modules "Make your life easier with Git" and "AI in Research & Scientific Writing".

There are course offers at all main locations of the four research institutes from March to June 2025. Each of the eleven modules can be booked individually. PhD students can receive a recommendation for one ECTS point after participating in four courses throughout their studies.

  • In module 1, «Searching Scientific Information», you become skilled in finding relevant scientific information using suitable tools offered by Lib4RI.
  • In module 2, «Scientific Publishing – From Writing to Sharing», you will be guided through the scientific publication process from start to finish.
  • In module 3, «Open Access & Copyright», you gain knowledge on the principles of Open Access (OA) publishing and learn how to deal with copyright questions related to scientific works.
  • In module 4a, «Literature Management with Endnote», you get introduced to scientific literature management using Endnote.
  • In module 4b, «Literature Management with Zotero», you get introduced to scientific literature management using Zotero.
  • In module 5, «Getting Started with LaTeX», you are guided in creating your first LaTeX document, with special attention to scientific writing oriented features. The course is for LaTeX beginners.
  • In module 6, «Work on Your Own Project», you work on your own literature project receiving individual assistance.
  • In module 7a, «Research Data Management – The Basics», you learn essential strategies for managing research research data and code..
  • In module 7b, «Make Your Life Easier with Git», you will be introduced to the concept of version control and learn how to implement it using Git, the de facto standard software for version control.
  • In module 8a, «AI Made Easy: A Beginner‘s Toolkit for Streamlining Your Projects», you get an understanding of AI, how AI models work and what the most important AI tools are. Image/video generation will not be covered in this beginner's lecture.
  • In module 8b, «AI in Research & Scientific Writing», you get an overview of the opportunities, downsides, and ethical concerns when using AI tools (text and image generation) in research and scientific writing, as well as current guidelines. Locally deployed AI tools and image generation will be covered in this beginner's lecture.

A detailed course description is available here including a flyer for downloadCourse notes will be available online a couple of days prior to the sessions.

All sessions are open to all members of the 4 research institutes, PhD students and other new researchers are particularly invited. Most modules are offered on-site at Eawag-Empa Dübendorf, PSI Villigen and WSL Birmensdorf. On request, students attending four or more modules will receive a recommendation for 1 ECTS credit point. More details incl. dates, venues and online registration can be found on Lib4RI’s training website.