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Want to share your screen? See the person you're talking to? Contact us via digital library desk! We will be with you shortly.
Increase the visibility of your publications and your research by keeping track of them, identifying them with unique digital identifiers and making your research open! Nowadays, as the research output is expanding exponentially, it is crucial for researchers to enhance their visibility. By doing so, they increase their collaboration potential with other researchers; enable easier knowledge exchange; advance their career, including funding possibilities; and make their research accessible to the broader public.
Use a researcher identifier (ID) to keep track of your publications and make yourself unique in the research world. Research identifiers are unique digital identifiers that assist researchers in connecting their works and differentiate them from individuals with similar names.
Our recommendations
Research Visibility
The most common author digital identifiers are:
Besides making your work unique and yourself standing out in the research community, having research profiles has more advantages as well.
Web of Science, Scopus and Google Scholar index citations on your publications and make calculations that provide an indication of your impact on science. You can check your collaborations, publication trends and more. See our website regarding bibliometrics to learn more about these analyses and which services we offer on this wide topic.
Make your publication unique and readily cited by adding a unique identifier to it. Most publishers already provide a unique identifier for your publication, nevertheless, if not, you can add one yourself.
Most common research identifiers:
A important step to increase your visibility and your research impact is to make your work open to the research world. We recommend the following: