Digital Cleanup Day: take out your digital waste!

Digital Cleanup Day 2023

It’s no surprise: much like in our natural environment, our digital world is full of trash. Pointless emails, redundant files, unused apps, blurry photos and video duplicates – all of it digital waste. It sits in backups, lies on severs, cloud services, and it continuously needs energy causing digital pollution, even when we have forgotten about it. On international Digital Cleanup Day this Saturday, 18 March, we want to improve this situation!

International Digital Cleanup Day was brought to life as a global movement in 2020 to reduce digital waste. Last year, people from 124 countries participated and deleted a total of 530,884 GB of data, which will lead to diminishing around 133 tons of CO2 production per year. The aim of the movement is to get at least 5% of all people involved in order to reach and sensitize policy and decision makers.

Join the Lib4RI team and be part of the movement!

Thereby, you will not only help the environment, but also prolong the lifespan of your devices, increase the performance of your SMART devices, improve your digital habits, and become more efficient. And: you will even get an award for your / your team’s effort. Register here!

Need some inspiration and tips where to start?

Getting rid of unnecessary emails:

  • Unsubscribe from old newsletters.
  • When writing an email ask yourself: Is this really the best format? Would it be better to hold this discussion in person?

Cleaning out your photo and video folders:

  • Delete bad or pointless pictures and videos.
  • Do you really need seven photos of the same thing? We all know the answer to this one;-)

Deleting old, needless files:

  • Is there redundant material that you could delete?
  • For which documents do you have retention requirement?
  • Use DORA to permanently make your full texts of publications available instead of having them on different servers.