Database Nature Nano under evaluation

Dimitris Antonakis & Bobby Neuhold

Nature Nano is an artificial intelligence enhanced research database on material and nanoscience. It comprises information on

  • Nanomaterials: 320’000+ summaries on synthesis, properties, applications, characterization and toxicity
  • Articles: 860’000+ indexed abstracts covering 190+ journals from publishers such as AAAS, ACS, Elsevier, RSC, Nature, Wiley
  • Patents: 24’000’000+ with products, application and technology impacted by nanomaterials

For most articles and patents, Lib4RI already provides subscription based access. Therefore, the question is if this database offers additional value justifying additional expenses.

Interested researchers have the opportunity to learn more about this rather new database in a web session presented by Nature on Tuesday, 4 August 2020 at 10.00-10.45. There, you will also have the option to get trial access.

Are you interested to participate at this webinar? Please contact us at @email for registration and further information.