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DORA WSL [Digital Object Repository at WSL] is now online. This is a soft launch, meaning that we are still in the process of migrating the roughly 15,000 publications from the old WSL bibliography into DORA. DORA WSL already includes over 7,000 journal, newspaper, and magazine articles. The remaining articles and other publication types will follow in the next months. The data migration will be finished by the time the new WSL website goes online in the summer of 2017. For a live overview of the migration progress, see this page.
DORA introduces many exciting new features for members of WSL and users worldwide. For more than 2,000 publications we have uploaded the PDF of the final published version which are thus conveniently available for anyone at WSL for internal use. In the long term we aim to archive a PDF of every WSL publication in DORA. PDFs of publications in Open Access journals are freely available for all users of DORA WSL. WSL members can now archive an accepted version of their article (aka the postprint = version after peer review, without publisher layout) in DORA. Most publishers permit that this version is made freely available in DORA, thereby increasing the visibility of the publications. Archiving the accepted version of an article in DORA is also an easy way to fulfil the Open Access requirements of many research funders, e.g. the Open Access provisions of the SNSF, and comes at no additional cost.
While moving the bibliographic data from the old WSL bibliography into DORA, we take the opportunity to verify, standardise, and supplement the data. For example, we add the abstract, DOI, Web of Science identifier and Scopus identifier where this information is available. Including the PDF of a publication in DORA does not only give you easy access to the full text, but we also index the full text and make it searchable. This improved publication metadata is the basis for the powerful search and browse possibilities in DORA. Try it out yourself!
If you would like to register WSL publications for inclusion in the bibliography, please continue to use the submission form or send us an email. Please also consider sending us the accepted versions of all your new or old publications.
We hope that you enjoy using DORA!
If you have any questions or suggestions, do not hesitate to contact us.