Happy Holidays and all the best for 2024!


The library will be closed for the holidays from Saturday, 23 December 2023, until and including Tuesday, 3 January 2024. Members of the research institutes can still access the book collections at Birmensdorf, Dübendorf, and Villigen. As usual, our large collection of electronic resources is available around the clock during this time as well.

We credit the motif of the picture below to the organising and decorating team of this year's Eawag party! In the spirit of upcycling, they made a beautiful Christmas tree out of our old library books - and with a little AI support, we're bringing it to wherever you will spend the holidays.

Photos of the Book Christmas Tree from the eawag party with different backgrounds
The original picture (center) was taken by Lib4RI. To create variations of the background, we used Adobe Firefly, embedded in Photoshop.